First off, I want to apologize for my previous opinionated post, and especially if it offended anyone. I just now reread it with more of an open mind and realized I could have very easily come off as haughty or self-righteous, and I did not mean for that to happen. So, please forgive me if I have stepped on your toes in stating my opinionated views. It was unconsciously done.
On a bright note... I am relieved and happy to announce that Jameson Caleb Wilson is HERE!!! He was born, as I predicted, at a whopping 10 pounds, 3 ounces, on Wednesday, November 9th, at 4:21 in the afternoon. It has been a wonderful three weeks so far getting to know him and take care of him.
He is perfect.
The labor and delivery went very smoothly. My doctor scheduled me to go in at 6 PM Tuesday night for a Cervadel treatment (a cervix softener, which normally helps start labor). Caleb and I went to the hospital Tuesday night and found out that I had already started labor on my own (I had had some more real-feeling contractions the night before, though they were hardly regular.) My water broke on its own at 4 AM, Wednesday morning. And I labored for the next twelve hours, finishing with less than ten minutes of pushing.
So thankful not to be pregnant any more! Jamie was getting pretty uncomfortable those last couple months... now I know to really watch what I'm eating for the next one, since he was a "little" ten-pounder. They just get bigger from here on out, right??
Cillian loves his new baby brother. For a 17-month-old, he is (most of the time) surprisingly gentle toward him, which is really sweet to watch. Jamie receives many a kiss on the head and pats on the arm or back from his big brother.
So far, Jameson is a wonderful eater, a pretty good sleeper, and an overall content little guy (like his brother was as a newborn). I think it's really interesting how, with one's first baby, everyone tries to figure out which parent the baby looks more like, whereas the second is compared almost exclusively with the older sibling. I am seeing more and more of Jamie resembling Cillian, though he certainly has his own look.
Things really are pretty easy as of now, despite having another little one to care for. Caleb had nearly three weeks off this time around, which was an amazing help. My mom came back to help out for a few days when Caleb went back to work this week, and that was also much, much appreciated! So now I'm on my own. :) Tomorrow is the first day. Say a prayer for me if you think of it.
I must say, I am amazed at how quickly I'm recovering. I feel nearly back to normal already! And I suppose losing 20 pounds almost instantaneously certainly makes a difference in how I'm feeling. I tell ya... if you want to see yourself lose weight instantly, just have a ten pound baby. I love love looooooove being able to bend over again! My restless leg syndrome is gone, and I'm not nearly as breathless as I was while pregnant (so nice). I generally feel better all over as compared to my recovery with Cillian.
I'm probably getting less sleep with Jamie than with Cillian as a newborn, but then again, I don't remember too clearly just how much sleep I was getting as a first time mom. Thank goodness Cillian still sleeps in until 9 AM every morning now!
So thankful that Jamie is here now and healthy and growing. At three weeks old, he is now 11 lbs, 3 oz, exactly a pound more than he weighed at birth, which I am very happy for! Glad to know he's healthily gaining weight.
More updates soon. And pictures on facebook, I promise! Soon soon.
For now... here's the Quote of the Day. For the first time, I thought I'd make it original, since it applies...
Quote of the Day:
"Love, to me, is defined by how calm-hearted I can be during the multiple times I get up in the night to tend to this little creature who needs me to love him and keep him alive as much as I need him to teach me patience and purity of heart."