
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Active Revamp

I regret to announce that I think I'm in another funk again... Hence my neglect for regular posting. Sorry. In all honesty, I've been really feeling the need to write, but haven't had a clue of what to write about, so that has been my shabby excuse for not writing. Dumb, I know...

Anyway, some updates!

Thanksgiving was wonderful. I hope you all had great ones also. Every year, my family spends Thanksgiving with my Dad's cousins and family, so they are my second cousins. (Sorry if that was a bit confusing...) We've grown up as close to them as cousins, and it's always a grand time. Truly a Hallmark Thanksgiving. We sit down to a feast, then clean up and visit, then have some dessert and visit some more. And then my Great Uncle Andy (my Dad's uncle, who is an incredible jazz pianist) will announce that we need to break out the instruments and get on with the annual jam session. And then we jam. Emmy and Greg play their violin and cello, Dad and Uncle Andy will play piano together, and usually I play too. It is so much fun, and we look forward to it every year with great anticipation.

So now that Thanksgiving is over, we can officially listen to Christmas music!! Caleb and I put up our tree this weekend. We were excited to see what Cillian would think. He was interested in it for a little while, but his attention span was pretty limited. It was close to bed time though, so he was tired. And now our Christmas tree is up! After Cillian was put to bed, we set up a game of cribbage and played by the tree while listening to Christmas music, snacking on oreos with eggnog (Caleb) and hot chocolate (me). Then we turned the Christmas music to some more peaceful tunes, sat on our couch, cuddled up together, gazing at our tree, laughing and talking, and just being. I love this tradition we've made.

As far as projects go, I haven't started the stockings yet (but need to), and I'm really coming along on some scarves for Christmas gifts. They're looking great!

Alright, I have a bit of venting to vent. I wish I was the kind of person who loved to clean and work hard around the house. But I'm not. I really am such a kid in this respect. I have such a difficult time making myself do these things. And it's great once I do them because then I a) don't have to do them for a while and b) feel good about being productive and having accomplished something. You would think that would be enough incentive to get me going. But no, it's not.

There are so many projects that need to be done - going through closets and organizing, purging of junk, etc. Mainly the organizing part. And I'm pretty good at that kind of thing, it's just that I create an even bigger mess once I start a project like that, and half the time I don't even finish it. (The whole starter thing again - I'm an excellent starter, but I can't finish something to save my life...) And yes, I'm just making excuses to avoid having to do any work at all.

So, the point of this rant is that I need to just humble myself and refuse to stay in this mold that I've stuck myself in. I can change! I don't have to be a lazy-good-for-nothing all of my life!!! I'm going to have a house to run someday, and honestly, the thought terrifies me! I can barely keep up with a two-bedroom apartment!! But, I can change, and I can start NOW.

I'm off to do some laundry for starters. Then maybe some organizing. Cillian's closet sure needs it.

I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday. I'll be writing more soon.


Here's the Quote of the Day:

"We advance toward humility by means of trials. He who rests on his virtue without suffering tribulation has the door of pride open before him."

~ St. Isaac the Syrian

1 comment:

  1. I'm tellin' ya, the trick to keeping the house clean is to have people over. At least once a week. :) ~JB
