
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rude People are Everywhere

Hello everyone! Are you still there? I'm not dead, I promise. I've just been waiting for the writing urge teamed with a good reason to post something worth reading for the last two/three months. Apologies to those I've kept waiting for so long.

This is a very uncharacteristic post you are about to read, as it's quite unorthodox of me (no pun intended) to post it exactly after "Fr. Thomas Hopko's 55 Maxims." Well... you'll see what I mean in just a minute.

I've been mulling the idea for this post around for a couple months now I think, and it all started when my mom shared a particularly surprising experience she had with a Rudie at Meijer. I won't recount the entire story, but Ms. Mean Meijer Lady was certainly being deliberately rude. Naturally, my dear Mom was speechless at being so unexpectedly bombarded with such treatment, and came home to ask what we would have done in that situation. The indignant side in us began coming up with all sorts of hilarious comebacks (which, of course, you can do once you're not in the situation anymore).

And it got me thinking....

You never ever, EVER plan to go out one day expecting to meet a rude person. (At least, I don't.) And wouldn't it help if one was prepared for such situations ahead of time so that you're not resorting to swearing or stuttering! I think so. So, of course this means that one must have a pre-thought-out list of comebacks at the ready for any type of situation, so that when your brain freezes up, you can whip out that trusty little list and combat with, "Number 14!!!!"

So I have a couple of starters to get your thoughts rolling.

1 - "Oh, I apologize... for a minute there I had you confused with the center of the universe."

2 - "So, are you only rude on special occasions or where you just born this way?"

3 - My personal favorite.... Burst out laughing, "You think you're important! HAH!!"

I assure you, it's the last thing they'd expect for you to be quick on your feet with a witty (and humorous - that helps too) response.

I would love to hear some imaginary comebacks you have.... let's have a laugh!

More posting soon - I just needed a small one to get me going for more introspective stuff.

Here's the Quote of the Day!

"Whoever one is, and wherever one is, one is always in the wrong if one is rude."

~Maurice Baring

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