
Monday, August 30, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ball Game...

This evening, Caleb and I took Cillian to his first ever baseball game - the Indians vs. Columbus at Victory Field. We had the classic experience complemented with crackerjacks and hot dogs and Cillian in his little baseball uniform. It was a wonderful evening. It happened to be my first baseball game with Caleb too, which was very nice. The weather was warm and cooled up soon after we got there.

I got some good pictures on Caleb's iPhone, so hopefully I'll be able to load those on facebook soon so you can see evidence of our fun evening. Cillian napped for the first 15 minutes or so, but then he was awake for the rest of it and really enjoyed it. I think he liked the feeling of the warm breeze on his bare toes.

I have the best husband in the world. I didn't get around to grocery shopping today since I favored getting a good nap in over getting Cillian all ready and figuring out a menu for the week.... so Caleb offered to shop on his way home, and I accepted. I was planning to just do it tomorrow, and hadn't even expected him to rise to the occasion, but he did. And that is something about him that I adore.

So it was a nice, lazy day and I definitely caught up on sleep, which was refreshing. Tomorrow's main activity shall be laundry, which desperately needs to be done. I also need to work on general organization around the house.

Cillian has started to laugh - genuinely, adorably laugh. He loves to stand up, so if we hold him up, his tiny legs do the rest of the work. And I discovered that if you make him jump, he starts smiling and smiling, and then his baby chuckle, and then chuckling over and over until it becomes a laugh. I love this sound. So, naturally, I repeat whatever it is that makes him exude this perfect, musical sound until he's worn out. He's also very close to rolling over, which is exciting. I love how happy he is all the time, and tonight was no different. He was such a good sport.

We rushed home because we were dying of thirst and ran in the door to put some water in the filter.... it took forever to purify, but man! Water never tasted so good to me. So now, I'm going to sit back and enjoy my glass of ice water with my husband and my son and maybe have a bit of ice cream to go with it... (yes, ice cream goes with ice water.)

Cheers, all!

Quote of the Day:

"Vice is so attractive and ready at hand, and nothing is so easy as to become evil - even without anyone to lead us on to it; while the attainment of virtue is rare and difficult, even where there is much to attract and encourage us."

~ St. Gregory the Theologian

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