
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Projects and Bedtime Stories

Starting last Tuesday night, something happened that Caleb and I have been talking about doing since before we got engaged. We both dreamed of reading to one another once we were finally married (and once Caleb was finally back in the US, as he was in England the first seven months of our relationship). Furthermore, the idea we had was that he would read me all of the Chronicles of Narnia books and I would read him all of the Harry Potter books as there are seven in each series. From the time we were engaged to the present, we'd gotten through maybe a chapter or two of each first book.

So, within the last seven days, Caleb read Prince Caspian to me. We chose this one because we're already so familiar with the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and since this is the next one in the order C. S. Lewis wrote the books, we started with it. I had forgotten how riveting it is to be read a story. Prince Caspian is one of the Narnia books I'm least familiar with, and I was eager to listen to my fantastic storyteller.

I found myself waking up looking forward to the evening because there was going to be more of the story... I never want to forget this wondrous, child-like anticipation. It is so enchanting.

Caleb finished reading Prince Caspian to me last night. Voyage of the Dawn Treader is next. Maybe we'll start tonight! (grin)

Something that kind of goes hand in hand with the bedtime stories... I've got a couple knitting projects going and have started to become a better knitter. It's something I've always enjoyed, and last week, (with some birthday money and a gift card to my ever-favorite Hobby Lobby,) I bought some yarn, a pair of knitting needles, some knitting books, AND a wedding photo album all for about $40. You guessed it - I was a happy gal.

I've never explored patterns or anything, so this time I really wanted to try getting into it (hence the knitting book.) And man, reading knitting patterns is tricky! But I guess once you get it, it's easy. And I'm a very consistent knitter, so it's pretty easy so far. For those of you who are knitters and might like knowing - I chose a simple knit two/purl two pattern (which creates a beautiful ribbed look) for a scarf I'm making for my brother-in-law for his birthday. I found a gorgeous charcoal grey color that I couldn't pass up... I think he'll like it.

As for the photo album, I've been meaning to put one together of our wedding pictures for... well... ever since we got married last year! So this is a long-overdue project to complete, and I'm going to really enjoy it. I've narrowed our 500-something pictures down to 200 (which is how many the album fits.) So now all I have to do is get them printed! And I'm going to do that here as soon as I get Cillian from his nap (I can hear him waking up) and service him and get him all ready to go. :)

So here's a Quote of the Day (it's short and sweet):

"Godliness is perfection that is never complete."

~ St. Philotheos of Sinai

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