
Monday, October 10, 2011

I Have a Pet Named Peeve

Alrighty... here goes. I'm shaking things up a bit. I know I usually make it a point to write POSITIVE posts, but I just couldn't help but slip on this one. Not to say this post promises negativity, but it's simply not a typical Acclimation Central post. However, my hope is that it'll just make you laugh or nod in agreement.

I would say I'm mostly a tolerate person, but when it comes to certain particular things, I can get a bit peeved! Fundamentally, I think incompetency and incorrectness are my biggest peeves.

However, without further ado, here are a few of my particular pet peeves.

1 - Bad grammar, especially when it's obvious that laziness is behind it rather than ignorance.

2 - Bad spelling, same reason.

3 - An incompetent parking job... especially when more than the allotted space is taken up, which inflicts inconvenience upon other neighboring parkers. Also, when said impinging vehicle is not expensive enough to be taking up two spaces.

4 - Whining. Adults, children, teenagers alike, I can't stand whining. (Not that I should be hypocritical - I do my fair share of whining! This post, for example, could be interpreted as whining, I suppose. Oh dear.)

5 - Unnecessary swearing - both in movies and in real life. Use a more intelligent means of expressing yourself, that's all I ask. You'll be doing yourself a favor. :)

6 - Rudeness. It makes me want to punch things. And people. Ok, not really.

7 - Sarcastic eye rolling.

8 - Food on the floor - it merely means I have to bend over and pick it up. Pathetic, I know, but it's a true pet peeve.

9 - Missing socks... anyone who does laundry knows that those machines just eat up socks like they haven't had a meal in weeks. It's true, I'm sure of it.

10 - Forgetting something even when I've repeatedly and determinedly done everything I can TO remember it. (I have a sneaking suspicion this is only going to get worse the older I become.)

11 - Prepositions that are incorrectly added to the end of a sentence at.

12 - Many, many more verbally grammatical errors... I won't get specific.

13 - Spilling things on myself, particularly when it's a freshly laundered shirt I've been looking forward to wearing.

Generally... most of these things I don't even get thaaaat mad about. They're just things that red flag my brain as incorrect or bothersome. But I hope you got at least a bit of a chuckle out of this post. I apologize if it left a bad taste in your mouth.

I hope you have a great, pet-peeve-free day! Cheers.

Here's the Quote of the Day:

“The road to success is always under construction.” ~ Lily Tomlin

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way about a lot oof those. Drivers who don't signal and bed clothes that are squewed also get me.
